《2008年考研英语词句篇高效阅读120篇》Unit 3

It seems like... 那好像是……用法透视"It seems like..."的意思是“好像,仿佛感到”。"it"是形式主语,具体的内容在"like"后面。也可以说"it seems that..."。 1. It seems like there are hundreds of people in the room, it's too crowded and noisy...

It first got international attention in at the 2017 Detroit Auto Show, where executives were reported to be taken aback by the reaction it got and talked about mulling a na...

There there, don’t get too upset about it. 好啦好啦,不要为这事太烦恼了。 • holy moly “我的天啊”,holy moly可以算是小岳岳的口头禅比较合适的翻译了吧。在英文口语中也是很常...

王渊源:是剪纸啊。Oh, it's a paper-cut.我还以为是学建房子呢。I thought you were an architect.韩佳: 这你就有所不知了吧,You obviously don't know that这潮阳的剪纸Chaoyang paper-cutting is跟潮汕民居一样远近闻名。as famous as those residential housesin t...

philosophy behind the Olympics: the idea that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and that the spirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competition that caused wars.③ It was over 1,500 years before another such internati...

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